Well. I wanna go to party this night. New year, i never go to that kind of party, actually. But hey, now i'm seventeen and i feel i must going to party sometimes with my friend. Not think that is my really world. I can enjoy it, but not feel more comfortable than i sit in my desk, reading a book, learn some subject, play my laptop and watch dvd at my room. Alone. With no disturbe. That is my really world. And i love to do that as my fun time. I don't want to be a anti-socialite, so lets do the party tonight. xP
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
lets party
Well. I wanna go to party this night. New year, i never go to that kind of party, actually. But hey, now i'm seventeen and i feel i must going to party sometimes with my friend. Not think that is my really world. I can enjoy it, but not feel more comfortable than i sit in my desk, reading a book, learn some subject, play my laptop and watch dvd at my room. Alone. With no disturbe. That is my really world. And i love to do that as my fun time. I don't want to be a anti-socialite, so lets do the party tonight. xP
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
a better think
Yesterday i go out with my dad and eat mix iced and some cappucino at oh lala's together. We discuss thing. Like a story about how my dad when he young. A funny story about him friend. But meaningfully. My dad always always can tell some stuff that can make me motivated. He says God always give us a better way can happen. Just think positive with God and doing something with your dream, go for it. But be grateful for anything that can happen at the future. Never take it to your head seriously. Just think there is another way that waiting for you next. All in your life is the better thing can do. And grateful for everything you get and everything happen. God always have a better ways. For some reason that you never know.
Anyway. You always make me get some inspiration, Dad. And i swear i never let you down and make you dissapoint with me. (Well, even you never blame me, you always think positive anyway:).
always love you, dad...
lets do it
Well. Sometimes i feel so lazy to study. I don't know. i planned it. but at hours that plan was lost. And find myself doing something else, like watching tv, sleep and doing something useless. I know i must keep motivate for finishing my study at highschool. I have a lot of dream to catch, anyway. Now i must keep up my spirit to face my life. I must study harder for final exam because i lag few of my subjects. I must run, run, and run harder, then stay motivated for catch my dream. Be focus on my target. Lets go then...
me, you and a complicated love
i know i wrong. i ever dissipate you and make this thing complicated. I make you feel like discard and ignored you. Thats wrong. I love you very much. Dont you see it in my face?.
"Salahku a*. salahkulah dulu tidak menjagamu baik-baik.
Salahkulah yang tidak gigih memperjuangkanmu.
salahkulah yang lantas menyia-nyiakan dan melepaskanmu.
dan lihatlah apa yang aku dapatkan.
Tiba-tiba menyadari sesuatu yang berharga yang pernah kulepaskan.
Salahkulah. Mencintaimu.
Dan sialnya, kini kau memiliki orang lain.
orang yang mampu memberimu sesuatu yang kau inginkan.
orang yang mampu memberikan apa yang tidak aku berikan
apakah kau sungguh mencintainya?
kau pernah bilang kau sungguh mencintaiku.
hanya sampai aksarakah rasamu karena kau tidak kembali kesini untuk memperjuangkannya bersamaku?
Sesedikit itukah rasamu hingga ketika aku berpaling sejenak dan engkau telah meninggalkanku begitu jauh?
aku tidak tahu apakah aku benar-benar mencintaimu.
bisa memberikan cinta yang besar untukmu
tapi satu hal yang aku tahu pasti
senja menghitam dan aku mendapati diriku memikirkanmu
senja menghitam dan tiba-tiba saja kucari dirimu di sudut-sudut mataku
katakan aku bodoh dan tak berfikir
karena ya.
aku bodoh karena bisa-bisanya
membuatmu masuk dan mengacaukan segalanya.
tapi aku tidak pernah menyesal
atas setiap detik waktu yang pernah kau habiskan bersamaku
atas setiap senyuman yang tak mampu lagi kuhitung saat kau membuatku tertawa
karena entahlah, kurasa cinta bagiku hanya begitulah adanya.
hey, hey...Tiba-tiba teringat kau, A*. Kau tau? aku selalu ingat . . .
Sunday, December 28, 2008
2009's resolution
so close with 2009 ! And as usual, i will make a new resolution, i always do it to make me more vibrant at my days. remove some bad habbit and bad thing, do something better.
And this is my resolution for 2009
1. Study harder, especially for my highschool's final exam.
2. More dicipline with my self.
3. Doing something makes my dad and my mom proud of me.
4. Saving a lot of my money at bank.
5. Be more friendly and be a good friend.
6. Doing all my works. More and more workhard.
7. Not waste my time useless, like watching tv when tomorrow i have a test.xP
8. Upgrade my english, esp my grammar. Have a good result for this object.
9. More have a fighting spirit. Fight the world, girls! :D
10. Make some great photography.
11. Routine make my room clean and neat.
12. Be more optimal at my look and my life.
13. Well, this is not priority but i think a long term boyfriend...=P
14. Dicipline sport and do the health's lifestyle.
15. Be more thankful and grateful for God at my life.
16. Be more better and better person.
This is some of my resolution!. Not very high at all, because it needs step for go to the next level, isn'it?. Anyway, i hope i will do that well. And make next year more precious and more fun again. =P
are you have been kissed when you at senior high school? actually, i'm never been kissed yet. And i'm little proud of it. Most of my friend already do it when junior high school. Not with me, i ever have some boyfriends, but i think that isn't something you can do with someone who you think not 'the one'. Maybe it can be too late. But i still wait for a perfect time. a perfect man. Hey, i just seventeen.
Its not means i never falling love with someone. I make a relationship more than once. But i think i ever real in love once. With my first love, first sight, even not first boyfriend. Him. I just feel comfortable, safe with him. Well, long time we are separate and not close anymore. It sometime makes me hurt. Because i know the truth. And must face a hard way between that. Fate. And i can't win from fate. I can't. We just... can't be together...
Its hurt, but i never regret for all the times i spent with him. Just so precious and meaningful to me...
Thanks a*, for all love you ever give, all the way you ever think that you love me,and for all the times i thinking about you and realize that i missed you so much...

i hope some change and resolution for next year.
many thing are not makes me satisfied.
and i think i don't do my life's well.
yeah, just keep fight more hard and see what can happen next.
big thanks for 2008
a great year
what makes me more learm.even i can't understand the worlds well.
But i try. i'll try my best for next.
Thanks so much 2008.
a better time that was so precious in my memory.
a big thakful for God to left me stay alive and happy for some reason.
2008 is fantastic. With all of my flavour.
thanks for the time that giving to me for doing something with my life.
even thats not the best i can give. some fault by myself.
Thank you 2008 !
my name is karina oktriastra

being narcist is good, i think, with narcist we can more respect ourself.
Well, nothing bad with that. Haha. Just enjoy to be myself, and some fun.
find my gallery here too.

*myself, mey, ulant*
well. i have some vacation last holiday with half of my classmates, rent a little bus and go to pasir panjang beach. Not a suprising vacation, anyway because i think pasir panjang is the one and only the purpose for the local's tourist like us. So, i almost here since i was kid. It spent four until five hour, even your bus driver was drive like fly. Eurgh, i have a little problem with bus. At bus i will smell like a vomit and i will sick if i smell it, so it turn my mood into a bad level what makes me anti-social or something like it even i don't mean so. Its so hurrible. But. anyway thanks for all my friend who i think can understand me. And finally i can enjoy my vacation so. Thanks for all my beloved friends, who always supported me when i sad or down...*especially ^existrasist, well, i dont mean to make some gap or something like that, just i feel more close with all my friends here and can support me whatever i am... Big Thanks, not for existrasist. But for every people that ever being my friend. >.< XoxO
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Whoa. i just read a new moon (a twilight's serial) and think that is so cool book. I like the main idea for love about your prince charming who makes you give everything. Well, i know the feeling when you love someone and be little obsessed about it. So you can do something silly or something useless for him (in my case, it means always thinking about him day and a day, urghh that is so annoying to always make myself hurt and hurt again when i saw him, and can't think another else, like a serious problem with my life >.<). But, actually i know i want this. I want to think more and more about him. And twilight serial is make me very jealous with Bella... Oww.. i want this is happen to me too. I know, i must attemp to get it too, don't be lazy and fight for your life and for your lovelife. go go girl! xoxo
Karina Oktriastra
Karina Oktriastra
Friday, December 26, 2008
i just want to introduce myself;P
my name is Karina Oktriastra
my school is at SHS 3 at 3rd class now.
i love black and red colour
i love paramore
i love cappuccino
i love music
i lived at ponticity,westborneo i called.
yeah.at my life i just search a little of dangerous and something that makes my adrenalin moved.~
mostly.i love write . i like to spent my time for imagine. All of thing that can happen if this, or something different. I like to see how much attemp and fate can make a tragedic story or beautiful story.
i love Photography. . .i like if i can capture some precious moment in my life or people's life, because all picture has a story and sometimes very meaningfull...
my pleasure if can catch that.
and i love myself of course!!! >.<
fyi. this blog will influent with English and Indonesia.
because now i learn to describe myself at English
well, i think i want to go to around the world someday. and i must inure with English =P
o..yeah..and you can find me too at :
my facebook : click here
my friendster : click here
my gallery : click here
and you can send me email at carinnerainne@gmail.com
i just want to introduce myself;P
my name is Karina Oktriastra
my school is at SHS 3 at 3rd class now.
i love black and red colour
i love paramore
i love cappuccino
i love music
i lived at ponticity,westborneo i called.
yeah.at my life i just search a little of dangerous and something that makes my adrenalin moved.~
mostly.i love write . i like to spent my time for imagine. All of thing that can happen if this, or something different. I like to see how much attemp and fate can make a tragedic story or beautiful story.
i love Photography. . .i like if i can capture some precious moment in my life or people's life, because all picture has a story and sometimes very meaningfull...
my pleasure if can catch that.
and i love myself of course!!! >.<
fyi. this blog will influent with English and Indonesia.
because now i learn to describe myself at English
well, i think i want to go to around the world someday. and i must inure with English =P
o..yeah..and you can find me too at :
my facebook : click here
my friendster : click here
my gallery : click here
and you can send me email at carinnerainne@gmail.com
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