2. Secret Admirer. I like to be a secret admirer for some boys who can makes me admire with all of him personality, but mostly i just like to know him at outside because if i really know him, mostly the fact can make me stop dreaming and be creative to have a crush. LOL.
3. Mostly i love to be alone. Well, i'm not like a anti-socialite or something, but i prefer to spend my time with my thoughts, my laptop, my book, alone at my room, with the dvd or mp3, or go somewhere alone, like mall. ( i just walk, and i go anywhere i want,well, even it just happen sometimes)
4. I love my father so much. He is my inspiration.
He is smart, wise, and can make me feel better if i share my problems :)
I hope my boyfriend have a little of my father's character.*fingercrossed*
5. I love my mother so much. She is a superwoman. Even sometimesi don't have similar perception with her view. But, i admire her because she is very multitasking. Can do all the homejob, task as a career woman, and have many activities but also can care about her family.
6. I love existrasis, all of my friend much. Because i can have fun with them all.
7. I love You very very very much, God. Because i can share all of my problem and always can count on You.
8. I'm very addicted to drama. LOL. I'm a movie and book freak, can't breath well if at a month i don't watch a movie at '21, vcd, dvd, or reading a book. >.<
10. Addicted to music, can't leave home without my mp4. xP